Our Team & Our Story

We felt this pain, so we built this platform.

Modern marketers know value of consistent and authentic content.

The time, effort, and resources required  destroys ROI. It also drove us crazy.
We felt that pain. So we built a product that makes it a pleasure.


Consumers say they want more video


Of day is spent on social media


Average shelf-life of a social post


Posts per day per platform is recommended

How does any business create enough content to be effective?

Create content.
With your community.
For your community.

We started Braid It! after struggling to create effective testimonials and interviews at our previous company.

Our attempts to use these videos for driving website traffic were frustrating and unsuccessful, inspiring us to find a better solution.


We empower organizations to excel in content marketing by amplifying the genuine voices within their community.

Amplifying stakeholders’ voices not only boosts performance. It fosters meaningful dialogue with captivating, educational, and empathetic content.

A team committed
to your success.

When you work with us, you'll discover a team wholeheartedly dedicated to supporting you in every possible way.

Our greatest joy comes from witnessing the delight and excitement of our customers as they experience Braid It!

Our Values.

We embody patience, positivity, and unwavering persistence. We honor every individual with integrity and empathy.

It’s our ethos, plain and simple.

Try it Today

Entertaining content captures attention. We strive to ensure you get the recognition you deserve.


Content that informs enables better decision-making. We provide you with the tools to educate your audience.

Evoke Empathy

Evoke empathy by sharing ideas to help people grasp your community's  perspectives.

Drive Results

Short-form video content helps your organization shine, driving real ROI.

Contact Us

1165 N Clark St - #700
Chicago, IL 60610
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